After the I-Phone released an application designed to prepare the faithful for absolution, the Vatican warned all Catholics that it impossible to confess sins via a smartphone. Federico Lombardi, the Vatican spokesman, noted that "it is essential to understand that the rites of penance require a personal dialogue between penitents an their confessor. It cannot be replace by a computer application." However, other Catholic officials were not opposed to the new application. Bishop Kevin Rhoades of Diocese of Fort Wayne, Indiana approved the application. It is crucial to note that the Vatican has been cautious with all sorts of social media. They have feared, like many others, that Facebook and Twitter are replacing real genuine interaction. The creators of the application, Little I-APS, explained that they are not trying to replace the standard route to confession, they are simply trying to get more people involved in the process of forgiveness.
It is interesting that the Church does not see the iPhone and therefore the medias as a valid bridge to carry a conversation, while politicians have traditionally do, and use the radio, newspapers, tv, internet and youtube for their campaigns and the transmission of their political message....