Thursday, March 3, 2011

Huckabee Slams "Sensationalized" Coverage of Comments on Obama

Republican Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee was enraged at the New York Times for "sensationalizing" comments about President Obama's birth certificate and upbringing. Huckabee noted, "I'm not surprised the NY Times chose to sensationalize this story. In fact, the New York Times, the AP, and other news organizations ran with the "sensationalized story" despite being specifically told by [WOR radio host] Steve Malzberg himself that they were incorrect in their assessment of the sound bite. You just can't help but laugh when my simple slip of the tongue, becomes a huge story - and a certain Presidential candidate claiming to visit all 57 states, gets widely ignored." Huckabee accidentally said that Obama spent time in Kenya, when he simply meant to say Indonesia, giving Obama a different perspective. Additionally, Huckabee reconfirmed that he has no issue with Obama's birth certificate. 

In order to really show how media headlines can spin a story, I will display The Ticket's headline versus Fox News's headline.

"Huckabee Falsely Claims Obama Was Raised in Kenya"

"Huckabee Clarifies "Kenya" Remark about Obama" 


  1. There's no way Huckabee simply made a mistake here. He specifically referred to the Mau Mau revolution, a seminal event in Kenyan history. He knew it wasn't Indonesia.

  2. What was Huckabee's agenda then? Didn't he know he would get slammed by the press if he made such an error?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I watched the interview of Huckabee last night on the O'Reilly factor, and they played the recording of the famous interview. Okay, the guy made a stupid “mistake” by calling Indonesia “Kenya” about three times... But I really don’t think it is a big deal, people do mistakes like that all the time. And on the TV show, he came out clean by correcting his mistake, apologizing, and saying that he believed Obama was born in Hawaii and nothing else. I don’t see why we are making such a big deal out of it.
